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How Do I Know When My Roof Needs To Be Replaced?

Having a solid roof above your head is important in giving you a warm, cozy and sturdy home. You need to carry out regular roof inspection in the spring and in the fall to enhance the health of your roof. Ensure you remove debris from roofs, drains and gutters to prevent serious damages. In this article, you’ll discover those things that you should be on the lookout for to know when you need a new roof.

Your Roof Is Old

An asphalt shingle roof usually lasts for about 20 to 25 years. Metal roofs have longer lifespan. If your roof is old, then you need to start working on replacing it. You need to replace your roof if the previous repairs were done over the top of the existing roof. This will reveal bigger issues that are lying under the shingle surface.

You Notice Missing Or Curling Shingles

Roofs are often exposed to weather conditions such as snow, rain and sun. These elements can cause components of the roof to wear with time. This wear and tear can lead to broken, missing or curling shingles. If there is any part of your roof that’s missing, your home will be vulnerable to weather elements.

Cracked shingles usually emanate from wind damage. You can easily replace your roof’s shingles if just a few of them are cracked. However, if the crack is not limited to a particular area but it’s found all over the roof, then it’s time for you to replace your roof. It’s advisable to replace your worn out roof as soon as possible to protect your home and keep it warm, safe and cozy.

Damaged Flashings

Flashings that are found around valleys, wall details, chimneys, skylights, rakes and stacks are prone to being separated, lifted and dried out. Continuous expansion and contraction can make the flashing details to lift and separate. They can also make the fasteners to loose and lift thereby creating a channel for water to enter.


Once you notice any of the aforementioned signs, it’s time to replace your roof. Ensure the replacement is carried out by a certified roofing contractor. Roof leaks can be easily detected on the inside of your building. If left unattended to, it can affect your building’s insulation and deck sheathing thereby leading to huge replacement costs. Contact ATL Roofing Pros today to inspect your roof before the problems escalate.

Roof Maintenance - Atlanta Roofing Contractors

How to Maintain a Roof


How to Prevent Roof Leaks